(June 2016, Bradenton, Sarasota, Tampa) Launching our summer CS&L CAREs initiative, the Firm invited all employees to donate $5, or the equivalent in nonperishable items, to enjoy wearing jeans in the office for the day. As a result, we were able to raise $85 and more than 35 canned goods, dry goods and personal care items to benefit Turning Points in Bradenton.

Turning Points is a one stop resource center that provides, coordinates, and facilitates services to the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in Manatee County, Florida. Since their inception in 2009, they have accomplished the following:
- Provided 6,930 people with 125,570 services during 68,595 visits
- Provided more than $1,000,000 worth of dental/medical care for free
- Utilized 200 volunteers who generated $1,458,984 worth of in-kind services
- Paid off the loan to successfully complete the $3.2 million capital project
- Provided case management and counseling services to 667 families that came to the Coalition for assistance with rent and/or utilities.
CS&L CPAs is proud to support Turning Points.